Monday, December 28, 2009


I never tought that i will spent some good first Christmas time with my American family. It was a great expiriance and love that i ever recived from a great family.
Whenever different people come in to the mall for Christmas shoping, u never known that it was a culture. I just felt, that it was some kind of rules that u foolow every year, which is you have to spent what yourked troughout the year.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

...No Love, but just .......first.kiss....ha....???????

How Important is the New Year’s Kiss to a Man in a Relationship? user
by J Montana™, on Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:19am PST 594 Comments Post a Comment Read More from This Author » Report Abuse

How momentous is the New Year’s Eve kiss to you? Do you consider The New Year’s kiss to be pivotal? Do you have a first kiss holiday story? Have you had a quintessential kiss that was unforgettable? Do you have a bad kiss story, under the mistletoe story, or a New Year’s Eve kiss story? Do you have a horror story about your first kiss? Do you remember the emplacement and time that you had the best kiss of your life?

According to deep-rooted tradition, any two people who are standing under the mistletoe are obliged to kiss. This old custom may very well be Scandinavian. All the same, we have honored the ritual over the years. The holidays do not have to be so bad. Hang up a sprig of mistletoe. In addition, when your significant other walks underneath, go for it!

How important is the New Year’s kiss to a man? How important is it to women in a relationship? Have you ever been caught in an unpunctual Mistletoe moment with someone other that your significant other? Is a kiss underneath the Mistletoe as exciting as that New Year’s kiss?

Ladies, how important is the New Year’s kiss to the man in your life?

Gentlemen, Do you care about that New Year’s Eve kiss?

Where is the most romantic place to kiss?

◘ Beach

◘ Parking in the car

◘ On the top of a Ferris wheel

◘ Under the Stars

◘ Under the Mistletoe

◘ Other ( please specify )

What makes a person a good kisser?

◘ Soft lips

◘ Light tongue movement

◘ Gentle pressure

◘ Firm pressure

◘ Other ( specify ) 

What is best kind of kiss?

◘ Short and sweet

◘ Sexy, long and fun

◘ Romantic, soft and sweet

◘ The first kiss

◘ Under the Mistletoe Kiss

◘ New Year’s Eve Kiss

◘ Other ( specify )

Who should initiate the first kiss?

◘ The girl

◘ The guy

◘ It does not matter

Monday, December 7, 2009

short of word...

Oh God, today i am so tired and very exosted. last night i was feeling i was gonna have fun @ the Nuc med dept. but rather i haven't had a good day becouse of one crazy retarded lady. Any how, I am almost done i hope i will make it trough if and only if He said so.

God bless.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Yankee...

It has been almost a year. I think I do remember the season. Yes! It was Thanksgiving week. It is true that it is a specially holyday for all human beings, especially for couples who really love each other and thank full of God.
I was working at Starbucks, making all different kinds of drinks for different people. It was really a busy week of the year; since peoples were buying staff. Some of them were happy, some of them were sad about the economy and others were looked like don't have any feeling about the holyday that is coming for.

There was one thing that touches my heart. Two couples were really happy; when they were ordering the drinks. They were laughing, talking, smiling and seeing each other’s eyes. I can imagine and tell that, they weren’t thinking about anybody else. Not even their families or friends or work. They were just thinking and talking about themselves.

So, I ask them what makes them happy all the time. The answer was really surprised me. They answered the same answer for each other at the same time for each other. The guy said "HER" and the girl said "HIM". And I was really impressed and was very intimate about the answer. How u can answer the same answer at the same time in a second? I couldn't find a better reason for myself.

But finally, I came up with one conclusion.
When God create Adam, He creates Eden for Adam to make Adam Happy all the time and vice versa. At the same Time both Adam and Eden were making Their Holly Father God Happy.
It was and is all about LOVE. He is the one who give us all those gifts for all of us because, he is LOVE.
So those couples' answer was depending on the fact that "LOVING OTHERS BEYOND THEMSELVES". It was about feeling each other and making happy one over the other.

So, I felt so happy and wish them a great life and tide up my thinking about them. However, I didn't tide mine. It is still thinking or a journey. But, on the same day I did something crazy that I usually never did before and did realized later about what I did.

I was on my half hour lunch break. I wasn't feeling hungry. So, I decided to walk around and get something FOR THE HOLYDAY. Finally I ended up walking in to Yankee candle store. Since I love candle, I decided to buy a candle. Of course; if the price is favorable.

When i was walking around in the store to get what I was looking for, one pretty, blond white girl came up to me and asked her help. I didn't hesitate to say yes. So, she asked me what kind of candle I was looking for. I have no idea where and how this idea came up, but I told her I need one really good candle for my female best friend for the holyday. Even if I have a lot of good friends, I have no idea for which one I was buying for. She asked me about what kind of candle "my friend" likes. Since I didn't know what kind of candle she (my friend) likes, I let her to choose her favorite candle. She chooses one and it was $35.00 with thanks giving card. Finally, she gave it to the register person and walked away to the break room. After the women that works on the register charged me and roped everything properly, I asked the other's employee’s (pretty blond girl) name and she told me her name is Emmalee. I asked her permission and a huge favor to give the whole raped candle gift for Emmalee. even if she was a kind of surprised by the decision that i make, she walked to her and gave the gift right after I walked out from the Candle store and came back to work. Since Yankee and Starbucks stores at the Charleston Town Center Mall are one faces toward the other, we start looking each other (only eye contact) and didn't say even a word. Finally after a week, she disappeared and never seen her for the entire year.

Now it has been a year. I haven't seen her for a year. It is crazy. Last week I was walking in the same store at the same Holyday season to get something for myself. I was surprised seeing her and kind of laughed about what I did and told to one of my best married friend.

Now what is or will be next?????????
It will be a question for most of us.
To be continued....