Saturday, October 10, 2009

I read one Book called " Do u still love Jesus if he sent u to hell?" and i was so intimate about what was written in the book and start wreading it. even if i recieved some information from the book, i put the question on my face book so that everyone can say something about it. here is whta i got.

Lily Admasu and Natasha Hairston-Tyson like this.

Luke Aseffa
would u??????????????????? it will stay as a question for alot of us.
Wed at 4:51pm · Delete

Tedy Tewodros
i don't think He sends anyone to hell unless he/she chooses to go.....(u know wt i mean... how u live determine it)
Wed at 7:59pm · Delete

Erkata Muleta
mula i don't think Jesus send any body hell or heaven for that matter he gave us a chose so it's our chose to chose where to go God respect our chose but he wont everybody to go to heaven isn't the reason he came to earth and die for us in the first place
Wed at 10:00pm · Delete

Askalu Semere
Wed at 11:00pm · Delete

Chris Moles
I agree with SOME of what Erkata says. Jesus is the way to Life, "Jesus said, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;"Read John 11:25. We then choose life by our decision to follow Jesus.... Read MoreSecondly, our ability to love Jesus is dependent on his love for us. Sin does not allow us to love properly. Isn't that why the Bible says that we love Jesus because he first loved us. Read 1John 4:1

Darike Aychiluhim
good question but easy to answer i will still love him because HE doesn't make mistakes may be i diserve to go to hell. HE is the only one to know don't u think?
11 minutes ago · Delete

Luke Aseffa
Those who went to hell are still getting punished by what they did. do u think they still love him while in the hell?

1 comment:

  1. so, if any one who is interested about the question, u can comment it.
