Monday, November 29, 2010

"A True Shepherd"

Depending on people’s interest, passion and value, different people express their feelings, thoughts and beliefs in different ways. While some people like poems, some people like a true story; while some people like listening to a song or watching a movie, other people like reading. Whatever the case, the most important thing in this world is to communicate with one another and explore the world. However, the way people communicate with each other is different. While some people choose random routine language, other people choose an artistic way to communicate. One of the most interesting, mysterious and metaphoric ways of communication or expression is poetry. According to Wikipedia, “Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning.” Since poetry is a formal literary art, there are different types of poetry. Out of those types of poetry, one type of poetry is called metaphoric or symbolic poetry. In a poem called The Twenty-third Psalm, the author, King David in the Bible, expresses the idea of God as a shepherd in everyday life.
When we come to the first stanza, the writer says, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” In the first place, the word ‘shepherd’ means a person (usually a man) who tends or guards many sheep. Either a shepherd owns the sheep or not; he is a good person who looks for them if they disappear or are in trouble. In the middle of nowhere, the shepherd’s best friend is the sheep and the sheep’s best friend is the shepherd. They each have their own common language and use it so that they don’t disappear from each other’s sight and wander in the enemy’s territory. The shepherd is the one who is responsible for his sheep in the case of enemy attack. Usually, when we study the character of the sheep, he/she eats grass continuously without looking up and doesn’t recognize whether he/she is in the enemy’s territory or not. In that case, the sheepherder is the one who calls the sheep by their name and leads them in back to the group. The relationship between God and human beings is just like the shepherd and his sheep. Humans communicate with their creator in one way called the language of prayer. Prayer is the language that people use to communicate with God. God calls human being by their name just like the sheepherder does and gives advice in His house (church) or in the group so that they don’t get attacked and chased by Satan. So, the shepherd is the one who chases the enemy (wolf) away from his sheep. Similarly, humans have the same behavior as sheep. So, God is the one who is the true shepherd of humans, no matter what. God is the one who looks for humans so that enemies don’t attack them and take them away. David sees that connection between himself and God and concludes that there is no fear, no matter, what as long as he is with His shepherd; (GOD).
“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” The author expresses his life as the grass that is planted beside the still waters that never dry out in the entire season. Grass that grows beside water grows every day. As long as the water exists, the grass grows well, full of color and beauty. It does not dry or die away, no matter what. So, as David expresses his life with God, no matter what, as long as he is with God, his life is full of hope and happiness that will never get dry (starved) either physically or spiritually. And the water is a metaphor of God’s word in the Bible. Spiritually, David’s spiritual life will never get dry or fade away, because his life is always full of words of wisdom that never stop. David says, “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures...” When a person does have stress or some kind of pressure that is associated with his or her life, then there is no way that he/she gets rest from his/her stress unless that specific pressure or stress is resolved. So, David expresses his existence with God as a peaceful and restful life. He will never be in stress as long as he stays with or communicates with God. God gives him rest so that he doesn’t get stressed or think about anything in his life.
As David states his relationship with God, the path of His righteousness is the proper, well disciplined, very professional and unmistakable way of living a life. David says “… he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake.” All creatures are created by God. David assures us in the capability of God to keep all humans safe. David gets assurance from God as he stated that, no matter how bad his troubles he will be recovered and learn from it and will come back to his original life. As long as he is with God, he will succeed and be in a place that he dreamed about. “Yea, though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me.” David knows that human peace was taken from his first ancestor, Adam. As soon as Adam ate from the tree of life, he lost his identity and his relationship with God. Since David knew what God promised and did to save humans from death, he was so sure of God’s shelter and guard God as his savior. Even if he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, there is nothing to be scared of and nothing will affect him, even if he walked through the strangest and hardest obstacles of his life.
David says “Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Obviously, the shepherd’s two most important tools are the “rod” and the “staff”. On the Bible, the “rod” is a stick which is about a yard or a meter long with a knob on one side or one end. On the other hand, the “staff” or “shepherd’s crook” is somewhat like a modern cane and is longer in size. The shepherd always walks with the rod in his hand, so that when a sheep shows signs of straying or getting lost, he uses it by stretching it out and pulling it back so that the sheep doesn’t go farther in the wrong direction. Also, the shepherd carries the staff at his belt and with that he fights the battles of the flock and chases the robbers who are trying to steal the sheep. In the case of walking or running away from God’s sight, David is protected by God’s rod and chases away the enemy by His words of wisdom. God taught David his way and his word so that David can follow it and be in his the house (Heaven). The rod and the staff comfort him as he lives his life with God.
David also explained how God is a perfect trainer. “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:” Normally, in our day to day life, people get trained to get familiar with their job so that they don’t get confused or lost. Likely, God explained and taught David how he should lead his life as he lives in a world full of struggle and hard times. Training helps one not to make any mistakes or faults. So, the author wrote about what his life should be with God and, as he lives his life in this world and faces different strange and hard times, he uses God’s word as his success and guide so that he doesn’t make any mistakes and loosen the bond between him and God. On the other hand, if there is no enemy, there is no way that we determine that our relationship with God is a strong or perfect condition. So, the enemy is working continuously to break the bond between David and God so he can claim David as his slave. However, David stated his relationship with God is ultimately strong by saying that “…thou preparest a table,” to indicate he is well trained his Lord’s word and was sure that nothing will break his bond or relationship with God.
Farther, David explains the connection between olive oil and His grace. “Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” In the past or Old Testament, in the Hebrew and also, now in Ethiopian and other Orthodox churches, olive-oil is used to anoint kings, priests and deacons. Sometimes olive-oil and a prayer are used to anoint the heads of the people to restore their health by eliminating their sins. So, David made it clear in his prophecy that Jesus, one day, would take away the burdens and sufferings of human beings in the garden of heaven. However, not everyone will be in heaven, only those who choose Him to be their savior. David assures that, as long as he is with God, he is full of grace and will get everlasting life in heaven. Also, his life on this earth will be full of grace. On the other hand, David said “my cup runneth over” which implies that a cup can hold all kind of things. However, the most important purpose of a cup is to hold or carry liquids. As David said, “my cup runneth…” it means that, his cup is full of olive-oil, which indicates his life of grace.
Finally, the writer concludes by saying how precious it is to live with God. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Even though David made mistakes and disappoints, he states that The Lord’s mercy and goodness will follow him all the days of his life. Because of the mercy of his Lord, David will dwell or stay in God’s house. He is sure his life is everlasting with his Lord.
Finally, the author’s metaphor pictured the connection between Shepherd as God and David’s life with different materials present on the earth. Also, the poem teaches how humans while they live on the earth should be and suggests that they should make a connection with God so that nothing else will influence them. No matter what, the Bible teaches each and every one of us to be in His shelter (church) so that nothing scares us as we live our everyday lives. Since Adam, human beings have a choice to be in a good place or a bad place. So, people have the choice to live their lives as they choose to. If a person chooses his life as David did, then his/ her life will be full of hope, happiness, and wisdom and be like the grass that grew beside the still water that will never dry and as the olive-oil that will be in the cup. If we want God as a part of our life, nothing will scare us. Rather, our life will shine as great as snow.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What a day~~~~~~~~~?????

Im so compromised right now!!!!! I just want to sat and listen to my self to figer out what is in my mind.

Monday, September 6, 2010

What do you say??? Happy New Year.

God!!!!!..... it’s been a long time since seeing you here, talking to you here, sharing ideas with you and dealing the unfixable problems that I had. All in all, I really missed you here so much. Please forgive me for not visiting you every week. I do know that taking much more time from here doesn’t make me I have had a good time. You know what I’m saying here right??? Yes, some people don’t spend the time when they don’t have that much stress or if their life gets better. They just prefer moving on and live their life of the present day and start thinking about the "more" life of the future. It is always about I need more, not to thanking the Lord about what he did for us. Luke 11:3 says "give us each day our daily bread". Yes He does give us our daily bread. So, I need to tell you that I am not the one who receives what he needed and walk away from the table without expressing my gratitude.
So, if u ask me when I have been through, Honestly I have spent some really good time in the church by serving the Lord and also by Serving myself and by making myself more discipline than before. Yes, I think you do really support that right?? I am sure u do. Hoping that you do support that you will like the new plan of success, I will go ahead with you and chat with you sometime and get some advice from you so that we can both exchange a few words about anything and acquire any kind of solution that is necessary for us.
My blog, I think that’s all for today. But, I have a lot to talk to you in the near future ok. However, u might ask why today????
Since you ask, I will tell you. Ok, September is the 5th year since he died; and also I haven’t seen my family for the past 5 years too. I have no Idea how they were doing, how they spent their time each day, hour and even seconds. But, I do know one thing. God will give us time to see each other. So, I thank The Lord for that and will let us enjoy the rest of my life with a great happiness, fun and inspiring time that I didn’t get since college ... which is 10 years. But, when I say this, I am not saying I didn’t have a family in here. TO BE HONEST, I DO HAVE THE GREATEST FAMILY THAT I EVER HAD. THEY INSPIRE ME, TAKING A CARE OF ME AND DO WHATEVER I NEED. THAY ARE ALLWAYS WITH ME AND WITH MY LIFE AND THEY DO LIVE IN MY HEART. AND I DO LOVE THEM MORE THAN ANYTHING. THEY HAVE BEEN WITH ME ALL THE TIME WHEN I NEEDED THEM AND THEY WILL BE, BECAUSE THEY ARE MY FAMILY.

Talk to you later ok.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

what can i say about my Paradise

i can't breath, i couldn't take my full breath, i am feeling like i have shortness of breath. It is not because of my health, but it is because of me as human and leave with people.
I never thought that people matter most below God.yes, every time

Monday, April 19, 2010

You're Valuable to God!!!!

You're Valuable to God!
by Pastor Don Neighbours

Years ago I heard a man say, “God don’t make no junk!” At the time he was trying to encourage someone to not quit in the face of difficult circumstances because the person to whom he was speaking was a Christian and God was involved in his life.

I was reminded of those words when I read from Psalm 139: “13For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

The Bible reveals here something every Christian should have in the front of their mind: God not only knows everything about me, He made me—literally—“knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

We are on the earth not merely as the result of a biological process but by the direct action of God, our Creator. That fact has to be the overwhelming reality of our life because that means our existence is not an accident of birth but the plan of God. The psalmist knew that as he wrote: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14 ).

Christian, do you believe that? Do you believe God’s “works are wonderful”? Because if that is true, then the rest is true also: you are an individual work of God and that makes you, yes, wonderful! Rub that into your self-worth!

That has life-shaking implications for us as a God-made, Blood-bought, Born-again child of God! Not only must I think better of myself and how I live but also I must think better of my fellow Christians, whether they agree with me or not! Not only must I love myself, I must love them! I must love them because they are a work of God just like me! Not only is the ground level at the foot of the cross (Jesus died for us all), but also the ground is level at Creation (God made us all). Of course, we know that sin has messed up God’s creation but sin does not change how God sees us—He loves us, all of His children.

Christian, you are of enormous worth to God! But before we get puffed up with pride at being so valuable to God we have to remember that our value has nothing to do with our performance, and it has nothing to do with our appearance. Our worth to God is not connected with how smart we are or how brave we are or how long we have been a Christian. Those are all things that people use to assign value but our worth is determined by what God has done. God loves us; therefore, we are valuable to Him. People rush into burning buildings to retrieve personal items like photographs and letters because they have personal value to them. We have personal value to God; He made us and He loves us. He went to inconceivable lengths to demonstrate that by sending His Son, Jesus, to the cross to reconcile us to Himself (2 Cor. 5:17-21).

There is more evidence all through the Bible, for example, Isaiah 43:3-4. Here God is talking to His people, trying to make them understand their relationship with Him, so that they will trust Him and faithfully follow Him. “3Listen to me, O house of Jacob, all you who remain of the house of Israel, you whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth. 4Even to your old age and grey hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

God used the personal pronoun I seven times: “I have upheld you…, and carried you… I am he who carries you even to your old age and grey hairs… I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and [again] I will carry you… He said [again] I will sustain you… and rescue you....”

Not only the Old Testament, but also the New Testament has it written again and again:
•John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
•Ephesians 2: “4But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”
•2 Timothy 1: “8…God, 9who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time…”
•1John 4:10: “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”
Get the idea?

We know we are valuable to God because of two unchangeable things:
1.God made us.
2.Jesus died for us.
So why are we so hard on ourselves and why are we so difficult with each other? Life will be better when we value ourselves and value our relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ!

God doesn’t love us because we are valuable—we are valuable because God loves us! So we are free to love ourselves and love one another because “God don’t make no junk!”

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Good Friday"

Every time there is something that will tell us about what is going on with us and what we have been in to. We have seen those things from ourselves. When ever we feel we are OK, u are not feeling OK. Instead we are stressed on something.On the other hand, when ever we are stressed about something, we are OK on another thing. this is just life and its own consequence. The rest of it is comming from three things. one from Our own, one from Bad things that we hang out with, and the third is coming from God.
The stress that is coming from ourselves is worst than anything else. it is because, our mind is so open and is eager to see the world, we stat seeing the unwanted and the unnecessary staff that the world have and also we start having the staffs that are not ours and don't belong to us that leads us to death. How ever, our Lord continuously give us extra day to confess ourselves. However, we don't know there is a day that we have to confess and to be God's hand. So, this is the time for each and everyone of us to confess about what we did and clear ourselves and our minds and be with our Lord.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I am nothing!!!

In the name of Father and Son and Holy Spirit one God Amen.
Even though, I feel like full of energy to study hard and reach my near future goal, there is one question that I always ask myself and wondered. That is for whom am I studying and working hard for? And for whom am I saving the money for? If it is for me it is nothing, there is always someone or something that keeps me work and studying hard. Yes, that is being a human being makes me work hard and stay in energy.
Family…., Especially humans who have family, they are always in desperate work or need of something that makes their family happy all the time until the time comes and buried from this world’s life. A person, without a family is nothing. It is a driver with no idea of where he is driving. If there isn’t anybody who teaches him/her a way to reach his or her destination, yes without any question that person will get hurt. He or she will be some body that is always in move without getting close to their destination.
Father, all in my life I am nothing without my family. Please don’t let me walk alone, because I am weak and always with full of sine. Father Keep my family alive and safe from everything. I am noting without them.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tide up!!!!

U so beutiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....... is typing a message.
......... i love u more than anything on this world. i wan spend every single second of my life with u. i hope u do the same too.


My Love, please don't hope. blieve and have faith in God!!! yes!.... i allways do Love u!!!! I do wann spent each and every second with you in my whole intire life. you are My love and my WIFE. NO ONE IS GONNA TAKE U FROM ME AND VICE VERSA.
ethioboy82: I LOVE U BABY!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hum…, windy idea…

Sometimes I wish to be alone and make the only and only part of my life is my Lord God. I absolutely do distinguish the difference b/n me being alone (physically) and being with some friends. Whenever I am by myself, I never thought of anything except only one thing, which is my spiritual life. I think a lot about how to become a well spiritual person who teaches and lived in God’s wisdom and way. I thought about how to become a great worrier who never gets defeated by any kind of enemies that never attacked by …HATE…
I do say this, because I have seen people who are lovable and divine, but I who really have a sour test. I don’t understand why they do like to be tested as bitter or some kind of grumpy appearance. Today, I think I learned that kind of behavior. I swear, I don’t understand why people don’t like to be threatened nicely. I think, treating well makes them annoyed.
So, I always ask myself God, why He really creates Humans as nice as He wanted. However some of us don’t think or understood the value of being nice or being threatened well. If some people don’t like to be threatened nicely, what would be the response?
Sometimes I do ask myself that does God’s well treatment to this world makes us annoyed. I am sure that I do know this would be the bad and crazy thought of me. I really get confused of this. They are making me ghastly and mien.
I won’t give up, I am still praying…, but if this won’t stop, I am going to be the meanest person.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year...

2010's first day looks great from the begining. which is a bigger and imagination thati picture for the rest of the year. Sometimes, it is true that hoping a new plan in a new year is a graet thing to do. However, whishing and planing a new plan without applying anything does not make change. Making a mistake in the past years or decades should be a my source or my reference point so that i can develope one great thing for the rest of the year...

This will be a challanging and well pland year. The action will be upto my mind.