Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tide up!!!!

U so beutiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....... is typing a message.
......... i love u more than anything on this world. i wan spend every single second of my life with u. i hope u do the same too.


My Love, please don't hope. blieve and have faith in God!!! yes!.... i allways do Love u!!!! I do wann spent each and every second with you in my whole intire life. you are My love and my WIFE. NO ONE IS GONNA TAKE U FROM ME AND VICE VERSA.
ethioboy82: I LOVE U BABY!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hum…, windy idea…

Sometimes I wish to be alone and make the only and only part of my life is my Lord God. I absolutely do distinguish the difference b/n me being alone (physically) and being with some friends. Whenever I am by myself, I never thought of anything except only one thing, which is my spiritual life. I think a lot about how to become a well spiritual person who teaches and lived in God’s wisdom and way. I thought about how to become a great worrier who never gets defeated by any kind of enemies that never attacked by …HATE…
I do say this, because I have seen people who are lovable and divine, but I who really have a sour test. I don’t understand why they do like to be tested as bitter or some kind of grumpy appearance. Today, I think I learned that kind of behavior. I swear, I don’t understand why people don’t like to be threatened nicely. I think, treating well makes them annoyed.
So, I always ask myself God, why He really creates Humans as nice as He wanted. However some of us don’t think or understood the value of being nice or being threatened well. If some people don’t like to be threatened nicely, what would be the response?
Sometimes I do ask myself that does God’s well treatment to this world makes us annoyed. I am sure that I do know this would be the bad and crazy thought of me. I really get confused of this. They are making me ghastly and mien.
I won’t give up, I am still praying…, but if this won’t stop, I am going to be the meanest person.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year...

2010's first day looks great from the begining. which is a bigger and imagination thati picture for the rest of the year. Sometimes, it is true that hoping a new plan in a new year is a graet thing to do. However, whishing and planing a new plan without applying anything does not make change. Making a mistake in the past years or decades should be a my source or my reference point so that i can develope one great thing for the rest of the year...

This will be a challanging and well pland year. The action will be upto my mind.