Thursday, November 12, 2009

what do say about this????

In that first month of dating, even the coolest guy can only play it so cool. If he's serious, he'll drop hints.
It's hard to remember the simple things that indicate he is serious about you when you're being courted, especially when his game is intoxicating, and he's saying "all the right things." So keep in mind, seriousness should not be measured by:
- The amount of money he's spending on you
- The grandeur of dates
- The frequency of dates
- The nice things he says

10 First Date Mistakes
What the Guys I Date Don't Know
During the fledgling weeks of dating, if he's doing any of the following, there's a chance that he's serious:

#1. He Calls/Texts at the Right Time
It's good when a guy texts/calls any time, any day. And subject matter should range from date ideas to insignificant things like the fact that he found a $10 bill on the sidewalk on the way to work.
#2. He Wants to See You... a Lot
I'll try to see a girl as often as I can when I'm into her. Even though I'm a certified expert in the art of laziness, I overcome my desire to sleep or do nothing in those critical early moments of the relationship. My priorities change from Ramen, Wikipedia, and TV to wine bars, walks, and dinners.
#3. You Pass the Distance Test
It seems this always happens: You meet someone you like, you hang out for a few weeks, and then a holiday or business trip interrupts. So, instead of riding the momentum of the sparks, you must brave that week apart. Will things be the same afterwards? Will you communicate?

If I'm into a girl, time away intensifies my desire to communicate
If I'm into a girl, time away intensifies my desire to communicate and I anticipate seeing her again -- and I definitely contact her while we are apart. If I'm not into her, she is easily dismissed from my thoughts when we are apart.
#4. You Stack Up Against the Things He Loves to Do
I never thought I'd see the day when guys in our Ravens football watching group would not only show up with a girl, but they'd also miss some of the game because of morning brunch. Yikes! But that's exactly what one of my friends is doing now. I would struggle to sacrifice Ravens time, but when I'm into a girl, she is on the same plane as the things I'm passionate about.
#5. He Finds a Way to Make Time for You
Some people love work, but I would be discouraged if someone worked instead of spending time with me in the first few weeks of a relationship. Even when work needs to be done, I'll find a way to get it done and see the girl. When I'm not into her, I might use the work as an excuse to avoid her.
#6. You See His Other Side
I'm a goofball. People wonder how I'll ever meet someone. They don't understand that the right girl will see the other side of me: serious, behaved, deep, thoughtful, and respectful. When I'm into a girl, I never say anything obnoxious in front of her... at least until I know she likes me. When I'm not into a girl, I'll just act like an idiot with my friends -- almost as if she isn't there.
#7. You Have Down Time Together
If I'm into her, the time we spend just hanging out is the best -- I imagine sun-drenched mornings lying in bed, making breakfast, enjoying "Saved by The Bell" episodes together, and other low-key moments. But if I'm not into a girl, I'll leave her place, or "encourage" her to leave my place instead of hanging out.
Unfortunately, some guys can pull off all of the above without being serious. But usually, a guy who is not serious will not put forth so much effort. Sometimes, in our zeal to find companionship, we forget the simple things, and we convince ourselves that, even though we aren't getting much of someone's time, they are into us. We deserve a relationship with mutual effort that is not simply being used as a means to an end. It's simply about enjoying each other's company.

good time...

Sometimes it is better to have some time for fun and relaxing. Today i have having a good time in Askalu's and Tion's house with Mekdes and two of them. I am talking loughing, discusing about 2012, like, is it really it will be the end the world or it just some kind of joke? Any how lets let that up to The Creator of this world.

Have a good one:)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

...I think i found the answer....

I feel like i found what makes me stressed. Fear!!!!, Yes that is what make me scared of these and all other things. If, I should of have faith in God, I should't scared of anything. Fear is something that drive people in wrong direction. It is the last night meer of life. Blog, do u know how I found out? I was listeanning Michael W. Smith song called - Amazing Grace. My own heart inside of my body was leasining to it with out any interaption. I sware to God!!! I will never fear of anything. He is my shoulder, my faith, my life and my Hope....who is in this world that have ability to take my faith away from me? Nobody!!! My Savior God, please give strength so that I can fight davil with Your Spirite. Davil I will ask you or force to go away from me!!!! In Jesus Name Amen! God Bless All.


Today around 4:20Pm, i recieved an email from my Nuclear imaging class professor. It says..."Luke, you have dropped below passing in my class. You now have a “D” at 71.8%. Great efforts will need to be made in order to resolve this issue or you will be expelled from the program at the end of the semester. Mark" Yes, I am at the border line of failing his class, 71.8%. I only have one and only chance to pass his class and get graduate from the program. If i studied hard for the comprensive final test, I will pass the class with a grade of "C", or fall the class. I never fail any class in my whole intire life. I know when I was ninth grade, I barely pass the class. Othere than that, how even I didn't study the class, I will pass the class. For this class, I think the problem is in my mind. There is a whole alot stress going on in my mind. Family, work, me, life... men!!! I can't count it for my self. I think when my age get increased, the number of stresess that I developed also increases...directly proportional. So, what shall i do???? or what will be the solution???????????????????? I think the solution for this is, Just sit in my chair and study like a monester. But, the question is, does that help???? In my blieve i don't think that will be the only solutioin to pass this stressful class. I have to pray hard. i have to ask God's permission to give me time and attenstion to focus on my education other that anything else. So, please everyone, help me asking God for me and pray for me from the bottom of your heart. May God Help me for everything. I have limited mind with limited amount of understanding. Please God give what is important for me and show me ur way to succeed this program. I knew that my way of finding a solution is failling me. please God, me. MAY GOD BE WITH EVERYONE. AMEN.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I wake up @ 8:00pm. As i can see across the window, it looks like a beutiful day. The sun is already rised. The reflection that came out from the trees gave a yellow color. Yes, this Sunday, I can feel the niceset feeling since after a major strees of Imaging exam.

Last night, Saturday Nov 7, 2009 was a day that I learned a lot of different life style in USA. It is true that there is different life stage and standard for different people who have different income. I have been in the family who are rich and unhappey, I have seen and been in the family who are really happey by their life and worshiping their life...God, also I have seen a family(like yesterday)who does what they feel and not worry about anything in their life.
I mate a women who is working in a local hospital coffee shope. I was in my Nuclear medicine clinical rotation. I didn't even noticed that she was the one who was serving the employees. Since i haven't seen her before, I asked her name and where she was from. Her name is Melissa. she is 23 years old. She already have one doughter from her x- boyfried. As she told me, he was a lazy, abusive and drugist guy. That was why she broke up with him. Now, she is rising her 2- year child living in her mother's house. So, last night I got envited to her sister's house. Since it was a minor invitation, i didn't had anything for the kids. Her sister was a priscribed drug addict. She also have a three year doughter.
So, when I got envited, I invited to her sister's house. Since, the place where they live is close to the college, i didn't drove far away from my college Dorm.
I got their home around 9:oopm. Mellissa was traying to take her nee to her mother's house so that she can sleep there. However, the little doughter refused and came back to her mother's house. After she parked the car, we both walked in to the house throught the back door; becouse the front door was locked and they don't know where they kept the key.
Mellisa's sister was a little drunk. The kids were playing. A lot of dirty closses were every where, especially at the base of the back door and in the loundary room. I had a hard time closing the door by taking some dirty closses away from the way. Finally, i walked in and mate her sister. The house is fool of toyes, trash, closes, and dirt. They were drinking a beer, playing a game, smoking and "having a good time".
They offered me to dring a beer. I didn't refused and i had one beer. Since, her sister was drunk, she was talking alot. She was saying that she will die within three weeks to four weeks, She told me that she have a faith and she want me to be with mellissa. Since, her husband is a cole miner, she doesn't work, she just raise the kids.
Finally, they were out off beer. So, I asked to get a beer, becouse i had only one. So, we took mellisa's nee and start driving with mellissa to the store to get some beer. When we came back it was 12:30pm. After we got "home", her sister asked she want something to eat. So, we went back out to get some fast food. ofcourse, mellisa's nee was with us. Mellissa didn't want the little child with her sister alone. So she ride with us. By the time we came home, her nee was asleep in the back seat of the car. Mellissa grasp the food and started walking in to the house. I asked a question for my self and bieng wondered how she trusted me for her child? Eventhough, i have faith and love for His creation, i was really confused.
I didn't noticed that i was in full of tear. I took her out from the back seat and hold her. She was really in deep sleep. She grasp my nake and lay on my shoulder and continued falling asleep. After i locked the car door and started walking in to the house, it feels so good for bieng responsible and got everything right. So, i thanked God for his love. be continued....
It is time to go church.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the same day...

Yes! I don't know either today is/was a good day. I am still walking with the day. Trying to get everything done. I already done with the Nuclear medicine imaging exam. I don't know the result yet. I don't know either i did well or bad. It is really confusing test. Whatever the out come is, i already asked God to help me and not to let me down. ofcourse He Doesn't. I always have hope and faith on him. I am sure everything will be fine as He expected, not me.
Now, i am about to go to class it is around 4:52pm, I am so exosted, and a kind of having a head ache, My mind is scatering. I am loosing almost everything I read.
I need rest!!!!

So, please God help me. I am still weiting Your forgivness and permission.

Ask for anything... He won't let u down.
"eregbeye....." by Z- Engidawork. i promissed to donate $100 dolars for Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church( Kidanemihiret Bete Kerstian) yeee- silet. PLease God Help me with this. You never let me down with any thing. I know my self, i have been unfaithful ...But, help me with everything especially this to tell what You did for my family. Please God<>