Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"At this point in my life"

every one song about it and for it, evryone tought about it and every one assumed about it. For what?........? yes it is true that when u think of ur current point of ur life, u start thinking about ur past,...u start thinking about the present or the curent standing or status of ur life, and also u start thinking about ur future. one thing that make me surprise is that, ......when i think of my life at this point, it gives me an idia of indless alife...... , endless tought of imagination and asumtion. haha....whenever pick or choose one thing to start thinking about it, onother thing or idea come over it and let the previous idea away.....i tryied to hold it....., i tryied to keep it back ...but,,,i can't tell u how fast it will go away when the clock continue clicking.

today, with out any thing a feel kind of bad and also kind of pastionate......hence i don't know what it is. sometimes make me smile and sometimes make me cry .....amm....what can i say about it? yes, i think nothing...... yes!....i did learn one thing........ IT IS A PATTERN, IT IS A JOURNY OF LIFE THAT MAKE ME THINK ALL THE TIME. so, what i suggested for my self is that continue thinking......may be i will find the search that i am searching for....the part of my soule..my passion.., my diginity .., my courage.....all of them will come together...;soon. but one thing that i should or i must do, is that......KEEP SEARCHING THE POINT OF MY LIFE IN MY LIFE.

i don't know about my life @ this point. ......it just make me think...think.....think...and think. i am trying to find out what it was,....is,...or will be...... don't ask me why?
but, u can give me a chance so that i can try.
ethioboy82@yahoo.com (E-mail Address Not Verified) said (9:20 PM):

enjoy the song. i love listening to it when i am by my self..


Saturday, August 22, 2009

what is about me,......

August 22, 2009You have a lot to offer, dear Gemini. Everyone really does appreciate who you are and what you have to contribute. Yet you have been unable to give yourself credit for all that you've accomplished. It would be worthwhile for you to take some time contemplating why this is so. You have a strong need to be loved, but you must first love yourself. Yes, we know it's a cliche to say; nevertheless you know it is true. Your family and friends will support you, but first you must support yourself.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


it is a foggy, rainy morning; on wed Aug 19, 2009. i am lying on my bed in the college dorm, my ears are listening the radio and my eyes and hands are on the computer. i don't feel like going outside, but i have to. i have an asightment that have to be done by friday, but everything is on the internate and i couldn't sign up for it. bc it woldn't let me too. so i have to go and talk my program idvisor or driving 10mil away from here and talk Dr Law, Nuclear pharmacist who work in the hospital and also my proffesor.

yee before that i have to do something that i usually do getting wet in the shower, every morning. and am planning to visit someone in the moll.
anyways talk to u later.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Joy to you!I'm an upbeat soul loving life-assertiing hues of the world around which is amazingly designed by Creator for us to explore His revealation!I'm born again by the Power of His Love, Word and Spirit!Let me express in geometrical terms my vision of two people longing for deep life-long relationship. Imagine a triangle!God is at the upper vertex of it. Man and woman are at the opposite corners of its base. The distance between them gets shorter as they move up closer to the vertex!They can only get close to each other if they both are striving to know and reach God. I take pleasures in: making friends and maintaining friendship by all possible means, ministry to orphans, tracing pictures of the wold through the languages and folk-lore, arts and crafts,dancing, interior design, doing sports,traveling around the globe, taking part in cultural events and in a whole bunch of other fun things!

Monday, August 17, 2009

today is a new day, i started my day on doing some kind of art bored for my program at West virginia state university. i am doing it with my classmate and with my group.
eventhough it is a prety nice sunny day, for the day, for me it looks ok but i don't know how it is gonna end.

but i do know one thing, it is not how long am gonna live, but it is about how i am living and how i am doing in my living.....
we will see.

Monday, August 10, 2009

God, >>>>>>

God is great!!!!!!! he did something good for my friend; Alicen.