Monday, December 28, 2009


I never tought that i will spent some good first Christmas time with my American family. It was a great expiriance and love that i ever recived from a great family.
Whenever different people come in to the mall for Christmas shoping, u never known that it was a culture. I just felt, that it was some kind of rules that u foolow every year, which is you have to spent what yourked troughout the year.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

...No Love, but just .......first.kiss....ha....???????

How Important is the New Year’s Kiss to a Man in a Relationship? user
by J Montana™, on Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:19am PST 594 Comments Post a Comment Read More from This Author » Report Abuse

How momentous is the New Year’s Eve kiss to you? Do you consider The New Year’s kiss to be pivotal? Do you have a first kiss holiday story? Have you had a quintessential kiss that was unforgettable? Do you have a bad kiss story, under the mistletoe story, or a New Year’s Eve kiss story? Do you have a horror story about your first kiss? Do you remember the emplacement and time that you had the best kiss of your life?

According to deep-rooted tradition, any two people who are standing under the mistletoe are obliged to kiss. This old custom may very well be Scandinavian. All the same, we have honored the ritual over the years. The holidays do not have to be so bad. Hang up a sprig of mistletoe. In addition, when your significant other walks underneath, go for it!

How important is the New Year’s kiss to a man? How important is it to women in a relationship? Have you ever been caught in an unpunctual Mistletoe moment with someone other that your significant other? Is a kiss underneath the Mistletoe as exciting as that New Year’s kiss?

Ladies, how important is the New Year’s kiss to the man in your life?

Gentlemen, Do you care about that New Year’s Eve kiss?

Where is the most romantic place to kiss?

◘ Beach

◘ Parking in the car

◘ On the top of a Ferris wheel

◘ Under the Stars

◘ Under the Mistletoe

◘ Other ( please specify )

What makes a person a good kisser?

◘ Soft lips

◘ Light tongue movement

◘ Gentle pressure

◘ Firm pressure

◘ Other ( specify ) 

What is best kind of kiss?

◘ Short and sweet

◘ Sexy, long and fun

◘ Romantic, soft and sweet

◘ The first kiss

◘ Under the Mistletoe Kiss

◘ New Year’s Eve Kiss

◘ Other ( specify )

Who should initiate the first kiss?

◘ The girl

◘ The guy

◘ It does not matter

Monday, December 7, 2009

short of word...

Oh God, today i am so tired and very exosted. last night i was feeling i was gonna have fun @ the Nuc med dept. but rather i haven't had a good day becouse of one crazy retarded lady. Any how, I am almost done i hope i will make it trough if and only if He said so.

God bless.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Yankee...

It has been almost a year. I think I do remember the season. Yes! It was Thanksgiving week. It is true that it is a specially holyday for all human beings, especially for couples who really love each other and thank full of God.
I was working at Starbucks, making all different kinds of drinks for different people. It was really a busy week of the year; since peoples were buying staff. Some of them were happy, some of them were sad about the economy and others were looked like don't have any feeling about the holyday that is coming for.

There was one thing that touches my heart. Two couples were really happy; when they were ordering the drinks. They were laughing, talking, smiling and seeing each other’s eyes. I can imagine and tell that, they weren’t thinking about anybody else. Not even their families or friends or work. They were just thinking and talking about themselves.

So, I ask them what makes them happy all the time. The answer was really surprised me. They answered the same answer for each other at the same time for each other. The guy said "HER" and the girl said "HIM". And I was really impressed and was very intimate about the answer. How u can answer the same answer at the same time in a second? I couldn't find a better reason for myself.

But finally, I came up with one conclusion.
When God create Adam, He creates Eden for Adam to make Adam Happy all the time and vice versa. At the same Time both Adam and Eden were making Their Holly Father God Happy.
It was and is all about LOVE. He is the one who give us all those gifts for all of us because, he is LOVE.
So those couples' answer was depending on the fact that "LOVING OTHERS BEYOND THEMSELVES". It was about feeling each other and making happy one over the other.

So, I felt so happy and wish them a great life and tide up my thinking about them. However, I didn't tide mine. It is still thinking or a journey. But, on the same day I did something crazy that I usually never did before and did realized later about what I did.

I was on my half hour lunch break. I wasn't feeling hungry. So, I decided to walk around and get something FOR THE HOLYDAY. Finally I ended up walking in to Yankee candle store. Since I love candle, I decided to buy a candle. Of course; if the price is favorable.

When i was walking around in the store to get what I was looking for, one pretty, blond white girl came up to me and asked her help. I didn't hesitate to say yes. So, she asked me what kind of candle I was looking for. I have no idea where and how this idea came up, but I told her I need one really good candle for my female best friend for the holyday. Even if I have a lot of good friends, I have no idea for which one I was buying for. She asked me about what kind of candle "my friend" likes. Since I didn't know what kind of candle she (my friend) likes, I let her to choose her favorite candle. She chooses one and it was $35.00 with thanks giving card. Finally, she gave it to the register person and walked away to the break room. After the women that works on the register charged me and roped everything properly, I asked the other's employee’s (pretty blond girl) name and she told me her name is Emmalee. I asked her permission and a huge favor to give the whole raped candle gift for Emmalee. even if she was a kind of surprised by the decision that i make, she walked to her and gave the gift right after I walked out from the Candle store and came back to work. Since Yankee and Starbucks stores at the Charleston Town Center Mall are one faces toward the other, we start looking each other (only eye contact) and didn't say even a word. Finally after a week, she disappeared and never seen her for the entire year.

Now it has been a year. I haven't seen her for a year. It is crazy. Last week I was walking in the same store at the same Holyday season to get something for myself. I was surprised seeing her and kind of laughed about what I did and told to one of my best married friend.

Now what is or will be next?????????
It will be a question for most of us.
To be continued....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

what do say about this????

In that first month of dating, even the coolest guy can only play it so cool. If he's serious, he'll drop hints.
It's hard to remember the simple things that indicate he is serious about you when you're being courted, especially when his game is intoxicating, and he's saying "all the right things." So keep in mind, seriousness should not be measured by:
- The amount of money he's spending on you
- The grandeur of dates
- The frequency of dates
- The nice things he says

10 First Date Mistakes
What the Guys I Date Don't Know
During the fledgling weeks of dating, if he's doing any of the following, there's a chance that he's serious:

#1. He Calls/Texts at the Right Time
It's good when a guy texts/calls any time, any day. And subject matter should range from date ideas to insignificant things like the fact that he found a $10 bill on the sidewalk on the way to work.
#2. He Wants to See You... a Lot
I'll try to see a girl as often as I can when I'm into her. Even though I'm a certified expert in the art of laziness, I overcome my desire to sleep or do nothing in those critical early moments of the relationship. My priorities change from Ramen, Wikipedia, and TV to wine bars, walks, and dinners.
#3. You Pass the Distance Test
It seems this always happens: You meet someone you like, you hang out for a few weeks, and then a holiday or business trip interrupts. So, instead of riding the momentum of the sparks, you must brave that week apart. Will things be the same afterwards? Will you communicate?

If I'm into a girl, time away intensifies my desire to communicate
If I'm into a girl, time away intensifies my desire to communicate and I anticipate seeing her again -- and I definitely contact her while we are apart. If I'm not into her, she is easily dismissed from my thoughts when we are apart.
#4. You Stack Up Against the Things He Loves to Do
I never thought I'd see the day when guys in our Ravens football watching group would not only show up with a girl, but they'd also miss some of the game because of morning brunch. Yikes! But that's exactly what one of my friends is doing now. I would struggle to sacrifice Ravens time, but when I'm into a girl, she is on the same plane as the things I'm passionate about.
#5. He Finds a Way to Make Time for You
Some people love work, but I would be discouraged if someone worked instead of spending time with me in the first few weeks of a relationship. Even when work needs to be done, I'll find a way to get it done and see the girl. When I'm not into her, I might use the work as an excuse to avoid her.
#6. You See His Other Side
I'm a goofball. People wonder how I'll ever meet someone. They don't understand that the right girl will see the other side of me: serious, behaved, deep, thoughtful, and respectful. When I'm into a girl, I never say anything obnoxious in front of her... at least until I know she likes me. When I'm not into a girl, I'll just act like an idiot with my friends -- almost as if she isn't there.
#7. You Have Down Time Together
If I'm into her, the time we spend just hanging out is the best -- I imagine sun-drenched mornings lying in bed, making breakfast, enjoying "Saved by The Bell" episodes together, and other low-key moments. But if I'm not into a girl, I'll leave her place, or "encourage" her to leave my place instead of hanging out.
Unfortunately, some guys can pull off all of the above without being serious. But usually, a guy who is not serious will not put forth so much effort. Sometimes, in our zeal to find companionship, we forget the simple things, and we convince ourselves that, even though we aren't getting much of someone's time, they are into us. We deserve a relationship with mutual effort that is not simply being used as a means to an end. It's simply about enjoying each other's company.

good time...

Sometimes it is better to have some time for fun and relaxing. Today i have having a good time in Askalu's and Tion's house with Mekdes and two of them. I am talking loughing, discusing about 2012, like, is it really it will be the end the world or it just some kind of joke? Any how lets let that up to The Creator of this world.

Have a good one:)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

...I think i found the answer....

I feel like i found what makes me stressed. Fear!!!!, Yes that is what make me scared of these and all other things. If, I should of have faith in God, I should't scared of anything. Fear is something that drive people in wrong direction. It is the last night meer of life. Blog, do u know how I found out? I was listeanning Michael W. Smith song called - Amazing Grace. My own heart inside of my body was leasining to it with out any interaption. I sware to God!!! I will never fear of anything. He is my shoulder, my faith, my life and my Hope....who is in this world that have ability to take my faith away from me? Nobody!!! My Savior God, please give strength so that I can fight davil with Your Spirite. Davil I will ask you or force to go away from me!!!! In Jesus Name Amen! God Bless All.


Today around 4:20Pm, i recieved an email from my Nuclear imaging class professor. It says..."Luke, you have dropped below passing in my class. You now have a “D” at 71.8%. Great efforts will need to be made in order to resolve this issue or you will be expelled from the program at the end of the semester. Mark" Yes, I am at the border line of failing his class, 71.8%. I only have one and only chance to pass his class and get graduate from the program. If i studied hard for the comprensive final test, I will pass the class with a grade of "C", or fall the class. I never fail any class in my whole intire life. I know when I was ninth grade, I barely pass the class. Othere than that, how even I didn't study the class, I will pass the class. For this class, I think the problem is in my mind. There is a whole alot stress going on in my mind. Family, work, me, life... men!!! I can't count it for my self. I think when my age get increased, the number of stresess that I developed also increases...directly proportional. So, what shall i do???? or what will be the solution???????????????????? I think the solution for this is, Just sit in my chair and study like a monester. But, the question is, does that help???? In my blieve i don't think that will be the only solutioin to pass this stressful class. I have to pray hard. i have to ask God's permission to give me time and attenstion to focus on my education other that anything else. So, please everyone, help me asking God for me and pray for me from the bottom of your heart. May God Help me for everything. I have limited mind with limited amount of understanding. Please God give what is important for me and show me ur way to succeed this program. I knew that my way of finding a solution is failling me. please God, me. MAY GOD BE WITH EVERYONE. AMEN.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I wake up @ 8:00pm. As i can see across the window, it looks like a beutiful day. The sun is already rised. The reflection that came out from the trees gave a yellow color. Yes, this Sunday, I can feel the niceset feeling since after a major strees of Imaging exam.

Last night, Saturday Nov 7, 2009 was a day that I learned a lot of different life style in USA. It is true that there is different life stage and standard for different people who have different income. I have been in the family who are rich and unhappey, I have seen and been in the family who are really happey by their life and worshiping their life...God, also I have seen a family(like yesterday)who does what they feel and not worry about anything in their life.
I mate a women who is working in a local hospital coffee shope. I was in my Nuclear medicine clinical rotation. I didn't even noticed that she was the one who was serving the employees. Since i haven't seen her before, I asked her name and where she was from. Her name is Melissa. she is 23 years old. She already have one doughter from her x- boyfried. As she told me, he was a lazy, abusive and drugist guy. That was why she broke up with him. Now, she is rising her 2- year child living in her mother's house. So, last night I got envited to her sister's house. Since it was a minor invitation, i didn't had anything for the kids. Her sister was a priscribed drug addict. She also have a three year doughter.
So, when I got envited, I invited to her sister's house. Since, the place where they live is close to the college, i didn't drove far away from my college Dorm.
I got their home around 9:oopm. Mellissa was traying to take her nee to her mother's house so that she can sleep there. However, the little doughter refused and came back to her mother's house. After she parked the car, we both walked in to the house throught the back door; becouse the front door was locked and they don't know where they kept the key.
Mellisa's sister was a little drunk. The kids were playing. A lot of dirty closses were every where, especially at the base of the back door and in the loundary room. I had a hard time closing the door by taking some dirty closses away from the way. Finally, i walked in and mate her sister. The house is fool of toyes, trash, closes, and dirt. They were drinking a beer, playing a game, smoking and "having a good time".
They offered me to dring a beer. I didn't refused and i had one beer. Since, her sister was drunk, she was talking alot. She was saying that she will die within three weeks to four weeks, She told me that she have a faith and she want me to be with mellissa. Since, her husband is a cole miner, she doesn't work, she just raise the kids.
Finally, they were out off beer. So, I asked to get a beer, becouse i had only one. So, we took mellisa's nee and start driving with mellissa to the store to get some beer. When we came back it was 12:30pm. After we got "home", her sister asked she want something to eat. So, we went back out to get some fast food. ofcourse, mellisa's nee was with us. Mellissa didn't want the little child with her sister alone. So she ride with us. By the time we came home, her nee was asleep in the back seat of the car. Mellissa grasp the food and started walking in to the house. I asked a question for my self and bieng wondered how she trusted me for her child? Eventhough, i have faith and love for His creation, i was really confused.
I didn't noticed that i was in full of tear. I took her out from the back seat and hold her. She was really in deep sleep. She grasp my nake and lay on my shoulder and continued falling asleep. After i locked the car door and started walking in to the house, it feels so good for bieng responsible and got everything right. So, i thanked God for his love. be continued....
It is time to go church.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the same day...

Yes! I don't know either today is/was a good day. I am still walking with the day. Trying to get everything done. I already done with the Nuclear medicine imaging exam. I don't know the result yet. I don't know either i did well or bad. It is really confusing test. Whatever the out come is, i already asked God to help me and not to let me down. ofcourse He Doesn't. I always have hope and faith on him. I am sure everything will be fine as He expected, not me.
Now, i am about to go to class it is around 4:52pm, I am so exosted, and a kind of having a head ache, My mind is scatering. I am loosing almost everything I read.
I need rest!!!!

So, please God help me. I am still weiting Your forgivness and permission.

Ask for anything... He won't let u down.
"eregbeye....." by Z- Engidawork. i promissed to donate $100 dolars for Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church( Kidanemihiret Bete Kerstian) yeee- silet. PLease God Help me with this. You never let me down with any thing. I know my self, i have been unfaithful ...But, help me with everything especially this to tell what You did for my family. Please God<>

Sunday, October 25, 2009

One horoble week is already past. I am now at the end of that week; on sunday. I was badly sick. I coudn't sleep, eat or study. I was Just seating or laying over my bed.
At the begening of that weekend ;Friday, I went to Virginia to visit my family, friend and to be blessed in the church. Once i get there, everything was great. i was happy for seing my family, cousen and friends after six month. The next morning, one of my sister asked me if i wanna play socccer with friends. I absolutly agreed and went to wallmart to find soccer shoose for my self; since i forgot mine in College. Since the time was to early to find soccer shoose from sport's hope store, we decided to go to our great mather's house and have breakfast with her; since she is alone. After we shope and gets some stuff for breakfast, we cooked and ate together and enjoyed the time with her.

Later, we went back to the house and gave a ride for my other sister. God!!! I hate dissagreing with her. she is somebody who wants to get what she want. she doesn't care about anything and anybody. she was calling me so many times to get her hair done for her high school home coming event or " party". she didn't gave a dam care about our great mather or us. she just want everything has to be done in time calandeer. So, that day I was driven by a rackless driver sister
who drove me craszy.
After I tooke her and her friend to hair salone, I sart driving to my Uncle's house to see little doughters.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pray, Pray, Pray.

This weekend was a great weekend that i have had, it was a day that i feel like i helped friends and family. but there is one thing that conserns me and make me worried, it is about Our Ethiopian Orthodox Church. even if i know that God have his own way and reason that he is doing this, i am getting scared and and woried alot. i have no idea why one person does all this kind of staff. Just bieng super....It is about unity not about somethbing else.

anyways, everyone pray for Ethiopia.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I read one Book called " Do u still love Jesus if he sent u to hell?" and i was so intimate about what was written in the book and start wreading it. even if i recieved some information from the book, i put the question on my face book so that everyone can say something about it. here is whta i got.

Lily Admasu and Natasha Hairston-Tyson like this.

Luke Aseffa
would u??????????????????? it will stay as a question for alot of us.
Wed at 4:51pm · Delete

Tedy Tewodros
i don't think He sends anyone to hell unless he/she chooses to go.....(u know wt i mean... how u live determine it)
Wed at 7:59pm · Delete

Erkata Muleta
mula i don't think Jesus send any body hell or heaven for that matter he gave us a chose so it's our chose to chose where to go God respect our chose but he wont everybody to go to heaven isn't the reason he came to earth and die for us in the first place
Wed at 10:00pm · Delete

Askalu Semere
Wed at 11:00pm · Delete

Chris Moles
I agree with SOME of what Erkata says. Jesus is the way to Life, "Jesus said, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;"Read John 11:25. We then choose life by our decision to follow Jesus.... Read MoreSecondly, our ability to love Jesus is dependent on his love for us. Sin does not allow us to love properly. Isn't that why the Bible says that we love Jesus because he first loved us. Read 1John 4:1

Darike Aychiluhim
good question but easy to answer i will still love him because HE doesn't make mistakes may be i diserve to go to hell. HE is the only one to know don't u think?
11 minutes ago · Delete

Luke Aseffa
Those who went to hell are still getting punished by what they did. do u think they still love him while in the hell?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"At this point in my life"

every one song about it and for it, evryone tought about it and every one assumed about it. For what?........? yes it is true that when u think of ur current point of ur life, u start thinking about ur past,...u start thinking about the present or the curent standing or status of ur life, and also u start thinking about ur future. one thing that make me surprise is that, ......when i think of my life at this point, it gives me an idia of indless alife...... , endless tought of imagination and asumtion. haha....whenever pick or choose one thing to start thinking about it, onother thing or idea come over it and let the previous idea away.....i tryied to hold it....., i tryied to keep it back ...but,,,i can't tell u how fast it will go away when the clock continue clicking.

today, with out any thing a feel kind of bad and also kind of pastionate......hence i don't know what it is. sometimes make me smile and sometimes make me cry .....amm....what can i say about it? yes, i think nothing...... yes!....i did learn one thing........ IT IS A PATTERN, IT IS A JOURNY OF LIFE THAT MAKE ME THINK ALL THE TIME. so, what i suggested for my self is that continue thinking......may be i will find the search that i am searching for....the part of my passion.., my diginity .., my courage.....all of them will come together...;soon. but one thing that i should or i must do, is that......KEEP SEARCHING THE POINT OF MY LIFE IN MY LIFE.

i don't know about my life @ this point. just make me think...think.....think...and think. i am trying to find out what it was,,...or will be...... don't ask me why?
but, u can give me a chance so that i can try. (E-mail Address Not Verified) said (9:20 PM):

enjoy the song. i love listening to it when i am by my self..


Saturday, August 22, 2009

what is about me,......

August 22, 2009You have a lot to offer, dear Gemini. Everyone really does appreciate who you are and what you have to contribute. Yet you have been unable to give yourself credit for all that you've accomplished. It would be worthwhile for you to take some time contemplating why this is so. You have a strong need to be loved, but you must first love yourself. Yes, we know it's a cliche to say; nevertheless you know it is true. Your family and friends will support you, but first you must support yourself.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


it is a foggy, rainy morning; on wed Aug 19, 2009. i am lying on my bed in the college dorm, my ears are listening the radio and my eyes and hands are on the computer. i don't feel like going outside, but i have to. i have an asightment that have to be done by friday, but everything is on the internate and i couldn't sign up for it. bc it woldn't let me too. so i have to go and talk my program idvisor or driving 10mil away from here and talk Dr Law, Nuclear pharmacist who work in the hospital and also my proffesor.

yee before that i have to do something that i usually do getting wet in the shower, every morning. and am planning to visit someone in the moll.
anyways talk to u later.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Joy to you!I'm an upbeat soul loving life-assertiing hues of the world around which is amazingly designed by Creator for us to explore His revealation!I'm born again by the Power of His Love, Word and Spirit!Let me express in geometrical terms my vision of two people longing for deep life-long relationship. Imagine a triangle!God is at the upper vertex of it. Man and woman are at the opposite corners of its base. The distance between them gets shorter as they move up closer to the vertex!They can only get close to each other if they both are striving to know and reach God. I take pleasures in: making friends and maintaining friendship by all possible means, ministry to orphans, tracing pictures of the wold through the languages and folk-lore, arts and crafts,dancing, interior design, doing sports,traveling around the globe, taking part in cultural events and in a whole bunch of other fun things!

Monday, August 17, 2009

today is a new day, i started my day on doing some kind of art bored for my program at West virginia state university. i am doing it with my classmate and with my group.
eventhough it is a prety nice sunny day, for the day, for me it looks ok but i don't know how it is gonna end.

but i do know one thing, it is not how long am gonna live, but it is about how i am living and how i am doing in my living.....
we will see.

Monday, August 10, 2009

God, >>>>>>

God is great!!!!!!! he did something good for my friend; Alicen.

Friday, July 24, 2009

"The Message"

I don't know who but i recieved this email and it looks like true.

Hello Luke,I want to help you to discover something a little unusual today. Or rather I should say someone as this discovery concerns someone who has been by your side for the past 27 years without you being very much aware of it. However this person has accompanied and protected you all the way through your life. This person is your Guardian Angel. While you read the few lines that follow I would ask you to put aside your pre-conceptions and your doubts so that you can open your heart to accept the explanation of these Angels who envelop us all in their divine love. I have been working on your spiritualism and this has allowed me to discover who your guardian angel is and I have also found out how you can contact this being and have real proof of your Angel's existence. I can tell you now Luke that your Angel is St. Gabriel - Special Messenger of God.But let us begin by the beginning. The first question which we should ask is what exactly are Angels? For some people these are bright living lights, for others the essence of ancestors come to protect and shelter, some people believe Angels fly high in the sky and others still believe that these beings stay at our sides. It is difficult to respond precisely to this question but one thing is sure; Angels are out there and they give us constant reminders of their presence.As far as I am concerned I believe that Angels live inside of us and they constantly sooth us and try to answer our most insignificant questions. I think that our Angels are to be found in the heart of our Chakra points and this is why to enter into contact with an Angel requires us to work deep within ourselves and to learn to develop our inner capacities. A lot of people have written about Angels and the general consensus seems to be that Angels are represented by bright rays of colored light which resemble the light which emanates from our Chakra points. Many people have witnessed this bright light and as a matter of fact a great number of these individuals claim to have seen bright golden lights flash in the corner of their eyes and these bright lights do not go away when they close their eyes! This is just the beginning, this is the first contact with a Guardian Angel.Angels have access to our very souls and the essence of our being and this is how they are able to guide, inspire and protect us so well. These beings of light have a special power to light our souls and once we are able to listen to them we can absorb the valuable messages and advice which they whisper to us. Their aid is so precious to us because to is so personal and if we can call upon our Angel we benefit from their full support and counsel. This is why I want to help you to discover your particular Angel Luke and how you can contact St. Gabriel - Special Messenger of God with all of your faith and hope.This is why I have worked on how you may contact your Angel Luke and I am ready to tell you how you can contact this being yourself. If you have a look at the web page link I am about to give you, you will be able to see photographs of the work I have done for you and you will also be able to discover how to contact your Angel yourself. You need only concentrate on your sensitivity, send your prayers and then listen for a response. This page will also give you some more details about Angels and how your Angel has already manifested itself in your life without you being fully aware of it.Here is the link: a great day and speak to you soon.Your faithful servant,Jenna

Monday, July 20, 2009

hi every one? i hope u guys had a great sunday of july 19, 2009.

today......,,,,,,, it was a good day. but sometimes it was a day of period...., it was a day of paried;(.) that u stop! for a second and start thinking about the past u have been through. yes i was thinking about almost everything.

First, i start thinking about my family. it was alot. I didn't know which one i could pick and which one i should drop for thinking. sometimes u don't know, what u gonna u really thinking u are. all the seden "am on time traveling" i didn't know i was thinking, but i couldn't let it go, rather it just becoming more close and close and i start feeling imotioned.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

time.....and ......time

It's today; saturday July 18, 2009. i spent the day at work helping terry as usual. on the morning i was sleepy. so i spent sleeping on the couch right after i let him to take a shower and gave him his breakfast. afterward he took his medicines by his nurse so that he can have a good day. i am sleeping but am not, i am thinking but i am not, i am hungry but i don't feel it. hey guys have u never been in this situation before? i don't think so. may be.....u are becouse u guys are humans are humans as always. if you say yes i am really sorry, but if u are not; then u guys are lucky. last night i couldn't sleep as si supposed to, becouse i prefered spending the time working my asignments and talking people on the computer. ofcourse, that influnce my beutiful morning time, for not to spent it well as much as i could. but it is still early..... i will be sleepy, unless there is something that interest me or keep me busy.
Anyways i spent my morning time just like that. nothing but sleeping on the couch. it is already gone that never came back and vistited me. so i won't remember it again.

At noon, something wake me up.

Friday, July 17, 2009

happy happy....

today it was a great day, i had a great time at clinical in thomas memorial hospital. it is really interesting when i leason patients and thier.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What is our Deepest fear?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

(ሰበር ዜና፣ Breaking News) ብፁዓን አባቶች ላይ አደጋ ተጣለ
(ደጀ ሰላም፤ ጁላይ 15/2009)ዛሬ ረቡዕ ከምሽቱ አራት ሰዓት ጀምሮ በአካባቢው ያለውን የመብራት መጥፋት ተገን ያደረጉ ሰዎች በብፁዓን አባቶች ላይ አደጋ መጣላቸው ተሰማ። የደጀ ሰላም ምንጮች እንደታናገሩት ከምሽቱ 4 ሰዓት እስከ 5 ሰዓት ባለፈው ጊዜ ማንነታቸው ለጊዜው ያልታወቀ ሰዎች የብፁዓን አባቶችን መኖሪያ በመደብደብ፣ በር ገንጥሎ በመግባት አደጋ ማድረሳቸው ሲታወቅ ይህ ዜና በተጠናቀረበት ወቅት አባቶች ላይ የደረሰው አደጋ ምን እንደሆነ፣ የተጎዱትስ አባቶች ምን እንደገጠማቸው አልታወቀም። ምንጮቻችን እንደተናገሩት ብፁዕ አቡነ ኤጲፋንዮስ ሳይሆኑ አይቀሩም፣ ሲጮሁና “አድኑኝ” ሲሉ ተሰምተዋል ተብሏል። ፓትርያርኩን በመቃወሙ ዘርፍ ስብሰባዎችን ሲመሩ የሰነበቱት የብፁዕ አቡነ ቄርሎስ መኖሪያ በር ከተሰበረ በሁዋላ ብፁዕነታቸው የመኝታ ቤታቸውን በር ቆልፈው ከአደጋው አምልጠዋል ተብሏል። ማንነታቸውን ለጊዜው ያላወቅነው አንድ አባት ግን ችግር ሳይደርስባቸው አልቀረም። እኚሁ አባት “ብፁዕ አቡነ ኤጲፋንዮስ ናቸው፤ ታፍነው ሳይወሰዱ አልቀሩም” ሲሉ ምንጮቻችን ጥቆማ ሰጥተዋል። ይህንኑ ያወቁ የፌዴራል ፖሊስ አባላት ወደ ጠቅላይ ቤተ ክህነት መግባታቸውም ታውቋል። በሌላም በኩል ከጠቅላይ ቤተ ክህነቱ ውጪ ቃሊቲ አካባቢ ባለው መኖሪያቸው የሚኖሩት ብፁዕ አቡነ ፋኑኤል የጥቃቱ ኢላማ የነበሩ ሲሆን አደጋ ጣዮቹ በራቸውን በተደጋጋሚ ከደበደቡ በሁዋላ፣ በጥበቃ ሠራተኞቻቸው መኖር ከአደጋው አምልጠዋል ተብሏል። ብፁዕነታቸውም ወደ ፖሊስ ዘንድ በመሄድ ቃላቸውን ሰጥተው ተመልሰዋል።የዛሬው አደጋ ኢላማ የሆኑት አባቶች የፓትርያርኩ ተቃዋሚዎችና በዛሬው ስብሰባ ላይ ጠንካራ ሐሳብ የሰነዘሩት ናቸው ተብሏል። ነገሩ በርግጥም በተባለው መልኩ ተፈጽሞ ከሆነ ቤተ ክርስቲያን ታላቅ አደጋ ላይ የመሆኗ የመጨረሻ ምልክት ይሆናል ማለት ነው።ቀሪውን እንደደረሰን እናቀርባለን።ቸር ወሬ ያሰማን፣አሜን
Posted by ደጀ ሰላም

19 አስተያየቶች:
Anonymous said...
I think now it is a time to call our family and friends in Ethiopia to stand together and say STOP to those MAFIAS and Gangsters led by church enemies like.... Let us give a call to Sunday school members that we do know at home country and let them (remind to) stand for their church. Enough is enough. This is just what I can think of right now.We should stand for those fathers who are putting their life at risk for our church. If you (all Dejeselamawiyan) think I am wrong with this idea, let me hear your idea.ZeAklili negne.
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
It is really SAD...............
July 16, 2009
orthodoxawit said...
Ere Awetan Amlak ere tadegen ere bekachu bele .Anonymous 1 I agree with you
July 16, 2009
hiwot said...
O God egizo meharene kirstose.Please evrey one pray pray that is the only solution.They better die for truth so that their name will shine for ever in earth & in heaven.O may lady verigin Mary please please give us a true spiritual leader.
July 16, 2009
tade said...
በደምና በስልጣን የሰከረው ካቶሊካዊውን አቡን በቃ ውግድልን የምንልበት ጊዘው አሁን ነው። ለዚህም ለሃይማኖታችን ለመክፈል የምንሳሳው ህይወታችንን ጨምሮ ከቶ ምንም ነገር እንደሌለ ሊያውቁት ይገባል። ምንም እንክዋ እንደለመዱት በጠመንጃና በኃይል የልባቸውን ማድረስ የሚችሉ መስሎዋቸው ከሆነ መቼም መቼም እንደማይሆን ታሪክን መለስ ብለው እንዲያዩ እንመክራቸዋለን። አዎ የጥንት ጠላታችን ካቶሊክ በአጼ ሱዙኒዮስ ዘመን ያደረሰችብንን አደጋ ዛሬም ብትደግመውም እንዳባቶቻችን በመስዋህትነት እንደምናልፈውና ለድል እንደምንበቃ ምንም ጥርጥር የለኝም። ለማንም ግልጽ ሊሆን የሚገባው ነገር እስከዛሬ በቅዱስ ሲኖዶስና በፓትርያርኩ መካከል የነበረው ሽኩቻ በቅድስት በትክርስቲያን እና በካቶሊካዊው ሰርጎ ገብ መካከል መሆኑ ነው። ለዚህም ነው ፓትሪያርኩ ከቅዱስ ሲኖዶስ በላይ ስልጣን እንዳላቸው ለማሳየት የሞከሩት። እግዝአብሄር ቤተክርስቲያንን እና የቤተክርስቲያን የሆኑትን ሁሉ ይጠብቅልን።
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
አሁንም ይሄን ውሸታም ብሎግ ታምኑታላችሁ?
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
እንዴዴዴዴዴዴዴ………?!!!!! ምን ዓይነት ጉድ ነው የምንሰማው?ቆይ.. አሁን ቀጥታ ወደ ጥያቄዬ ልግባ… ምን ማድረግ ይሻለናል?- ቤተሰቦቻችንን እና የሰንበት ትምህርት ቤት ወጣቶችን እየተካሄደ ስላለው ነገር ማሳወቅ… ከላይ እንደተባለው በጣም ጥሩ ሃሳብ!- ምናልባት ለመንግሥት ባለሥልጣናት እንደውል ይሆን? ጉዳዩን አጣርቶ የደህንነት ጥበቃ እንዲያደርግና ደብዳቢዎቹን እንዲያጋልጥ?- ወይስ በአቡነ ጳውሎስ ሥር ያሉ አብያተ ክርስቲያናትን በሙሉ boycott እናድርግ? (የለም የለም… ለውሳኔ መፍጠን የለብንም… ጊዜያቸው ደርሶዋል… አብያተ ክርስቲያናቱም አርነት ይወጣሉ!!)- እረ ምን እናድርግ? - አንድ የግድ ማድረግ ያለብን ነገር ግን ይታየኛል፡፡ እንደ ቤተክርስቲያን ልጅነታችን፡ ጠበቃና መርማሪ ቀጥረንም ቢሆን፡ በመንግሥት ሃይላት ሳንመካ፡ የዛሬውን ጥቃት የሰነዘሩት ሃይላት ማን እንደሆኑ እና ማን እንደላካቸው መመርመር ይኖርብናል፡፡ ከፈለገ 10 ዓመት የፈጀ ጥናትና ምርምርም ይሁን፡ እንዲያውም የተቃጣው አደጋ ረግቦ ሁሉ ነገር አባቶች በፈለጉት መንገድ እየሄደ ቢሆን እንኩዋ፡ የግድ የነዚህ ሃይላት ማንነት፡ ለታሪክ ሲባል መታወቅ አለበት፡፡ የድርድሩ ውጤት ምንም ይሁን ምን፡ የግድ ይህ ፋይል ሳይዘጋ ሊጠና ይገባዋል፡፡ ይህች ባቄላ ያደረች እንደሆን አትቆረጠምም!!! ከዚህ በላይ ምንም ሊመጣ አይችልም!! እባካችሁ እንዳንረሳ ይህን ነገር!!!!! በሃሳቡ ከተስማማን ለጠበቃና ለግል መርማሪ ቅጥር የሚወጣ ወጪ እንኩዋን ካለ እኔም አዋጣለሁ!!! ግድ ነው! ማን መሆኑን ማወቅ አለብን፡፡ መንግሥትም ከሆነ፡ የካቶሊክ ማፍያም ከሆነ፡ የወይዘሮ እጅጋየሁ ቡድንም ከሆነ፡ ማንም ይሁን ማን…. ጉዳዩ ተጣርቶ፡ ካሳ ሊክስና በአደባባይ ሊናዘዛት ይገባል!!የታባቱንስና! እንዲህ ናትና ድፍረት?!!!የነደደኝ ወይዘሮ
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
ሰላም ክርስቲያኖችበጣሙን አሳዛኝ ዜና ሆኖብኛል እባካችሁ ፀልዩ
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
እኔ እንደማውቀው የሊቀ ጳጳሳቱ መኖሪያ ሲገባ ከፍተኛ ፍተሻ ያለበትና ውስጡም በፌድራል ፖሊስ እንደሚጠበቅ ነው ። ስለዚህ ይሄ ወሬ ተራ አሉባልታ ይመስለኛል።
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
ለውሽቱም ለቅጥፈቱም ከመጸለይ ለቤተክርስቲያን አንድነትት ጸልዩ
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
The last anonymousYou might be right but who is security? Probably they are mafiya groups
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
betkersetiyane endehone mecheme atetefame atefiwocha yetefalu enjeere gobeze entseleye zeme belachehue lemene temelektalachehu.betekeresetiyanene ye gahaneme dejocheme ayechelatume
July 16, 2009
ያነስኩት said...
አቤቱ አምላክ ሆይ እስከ መቼ ይሆን ካንተ ተለይተን የምንኖረው? መቼ ይሆን ያንተ ብቻ የምታደርገን?እባክህ አምላክ ሆይ ቅረበን…ስለ እናትህ ብለህ ታረቀን! አሜን!
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
Let us continue to pray earnestly for all our bishops and our Metropolis. These things matter because—rather than shaking our faith—our love for Christ’s Church compels us to be zealous in maintaining her purity, “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.”With love in Christ,
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
My beloved In Christ,This is not something I usually do, but I am experiencing spiritual distraction from the newspapers I read, the radio stations I listen to or the gossip going around."My zeal has consumed me " Psalm 119:139. I believe the Holy Synod of any Orthodox Church is the highest authority of the Church it is guiding to the truth. It formulates the rules and regulations of the church organization, faith and order of service. It should be chaired by the Patriarch and Bishops who all seek one goal.The leaders of the Church are also good shepherds, as Christ is the good shepherd who gives his life for the sheep. He is the paschal lamb who offered Himself on our behalf. So, the members of the synod, all appointed by the Holy Spirit to lead the Church in the right way, as Christ leads to the truth. The life of the Holy Spirit is in the Church and abides in the Church since the first Pentecost.Today, the division of the bishops in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church leads the flocks to distraction. I guess "for everything there is a season. (Ecc.31)However, we, as Christians, are called to obey the fathers and our responsibility is to pray for the peace of the whole world, the welfare of the Holy Church of God and for the union of all. We must ask the Lord to bring peace to His Church.Let us continue to pray earnestly for all our bishops and our Metropolis. These things matter because—rather than shaking our faith—our love for Christ’s Church compels us to be zealous in maintaining her purity, “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.”What you and I hear may lead us to confusion and hopelessness. Let us be quick to hear and slow to speak, (James 1"19) In the time of trial we must be strong, along with all faithful Christians because we are one in Christ Jesus. All the Ethiopian church fathers are on trial today. However, it will pass like the wind passes over it. ( Psalm l05:16) Let us pray for them. I believe we have a faith that no one can take away from us. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit. Everything around us is just a distraction.Let us reach out to those Bishops and our spiritual fathers who are around us. The relationship between us and the fathers extends beyond death to the last judgment. Our duty is to obey those who rule over us and be submissive, for they watch over our souls. (Hebrews 12:17) "Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged" (Colossians 3:21). The church fathers' responsibility is to submit themselves to Christ and to feed the life-giving words of God to those who seek them.Let the Metropolitan, Archbishops and Bishops figure out how they can work together for the Holy Church and its salvation. They worked for 17 years in one mind and one soul. They prayed together, celebrated the life-giving divine liturgy. They ate the body and drank the blood of Christ together. They know how good it is and what fire it is. Our duty is to pray for them. We must submit ourselves to one Church, as we submit ourselves to Christ.My brothers and sisters in Christ. Let us pray to the Lord who didst send down His most Holy Spirit upon his apostles at the third hour to set up their next meeting. May He send down upon them a perfect and peaceful love and assistance. Where two or more are gathered, said our Lord, "I will be there." He will be with them and will bless their hard work for his Church. "Great is our Lord, and abundant in power. His understanding is without measure." Psalm 147.May the Lord God remember all of you Orthodox Chrisitians in His kIngdom always, now and ever and unto ages of ages.Amen.
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
የምህበረ ቅዱሳን ተንኮል በተ ክርስቲያንን በማፍረስ ሊጠናቀቅ ነውአሁንም የምታደርጉትን ቅሥቀሳ እየተከታተልን ነው ደም ልታፋሥሱ ትፈልጋላችሁ ተው ተው ተው!በታሪክ ተጠያቂዎቹ ማሀበረ ቅዱሳንና አባ ጳውሎስ ናችሁ የማናውቅ መስላችሁ ከጀርባ ተደበቃችሁ የምታደርጉትን እናውቃለንአቡነ ጳውሎስ ቢሞቱ ወይም ሌላ ጳጳስ ቢሞት ቤተ ክርስቲያን ሰላም አይኖራትም እባካችሁ እረፉ;
July 16, 2009
Anonymous said...
ከላይ ዘአክሊሊ እንዳለው የሰ/ት/ቤት ተማሪዎችና ለቤተክርስቲያኑ የሚያስቡ ምዕመናንን ለማስተባበር ይመች ዘንድ ስለወቅታዊ የቤተክርስቲያን ችግር ትክክለኛውን መንስሄና እና የነዚህን የጥፋት መልዕክተኞችን የመጨረሻ ዓላማ በስልክና በኢሜይል እናሳውቅ።እኩይ ተግባራቸውንም ምዕመኑ እንዲያወግዝ ማድረግ።በአዲስ አበባ ያሉ የሁሉም የሰ/ት/ቤት ተማሪዎች የስራ አስፈጣሚ አባላት ተገናኝተው እንዲወያዩና ለአቡነ ጳውሎስ በደብዳቤ አቋሟቸውን ቢገልጡላቸው፣ ግልባጩንም ለሁሉም የአዲስ አበባ አብያተክርስቲያናት አስተዳዳሪዎችና ለቅዱሳን ጳጳሳት ቢየያደርጉ እኔ በጣም እመርጣለሁ። አባቶቻችንም ከጎናቸው እንደሆንን አስበው መንፈሳዊ ብርታት ያገኛሉ ብዬ እገምታለሁ።ዘለዓለም ነኝ
July 16, 2009
Serbelo said...
every body,do you think that 'abune' pawlos is christian? i am 100% shure he has no religion.He is pagan. pray for EOTC
July 16, 2009
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ወዲህ የሚጠቁሙ ገጾች

the day of Tuesday, July-14,2009

Sometimes it is tough to knew everything as we expected and needed too, it might be almost impossible to let each and every word to speak out and tell "this is what exactly going on in my mind". but, one thing that i do understand is that, when ever i feel different, it might be the right time to spend some time with my Dearest Father....."God" or it might be the right time for confession, or it might be the end of my life, who knows???....... yes only God..... We all of us don't even know that day....but, we weit untill the bell rings.....; the last day of our life in this world. Either we already payed the rent as we supposed to, or we might gonna pay in the next level of life. the question is, is there any kind of payement that we should pay in the next world?.... who knows...??? may be or may be not. but i do blieve that for those of us who were/ are / will not be ready for next stage or step of life, we will pay the rent of "breathing". Don't worry just follow what he sayed....b/c He knows everything and He knows what we feel and what we need. He will only let Us to have what is good for us, becouse HE IS GOOD.

My dearest brothers and sisters, today was kind of tought, but its alright, i like challenge. it is the day i recived my clinical mid-term evaluation and recived a new project that is due for Sebtember 2009. I hope we all will do a great job.

Beside that, there is one thing not right. I missed them. I missed my familly. i missed my Mom alot. but, when am trying to make a call and talk to her, i feel sad and feel guilty. Not becouse she is alone but, i didn't do what i expected to do. life is rough and tough. ......Really it is.

Anyways i hope God will give me one more day for my confession and for getting me ready to make people happey as much as i could. and i will. With Him evrything is possible.
Especially my Mom.....i promiss i will make her happey. if i don't i will cry for my entire life.

On the other hand, it is a day of exitment and a day of raising God for what He did for my classmate and dearest friend; Alicen. yes... she was really exited and happey. am sure she can't weit untill she sees her Mam and Dad to tell what God inform her for good. i blieve she will get what she is hoping for, b/c everything happens for reason, and Especially God have a reason, He doesn't only show something good for us, but also he will give us or will let us to have it. Alicen i hope everything will worked out good with the help of HIM. Just pray more and more.
May God be with all of us.
if i am alife, i will see u tommorow on the same time on this blog.
Love u all.